Last Friday, Mummy brought Janelle to meet up wit her sec sch classmates!!! Wow, there's total of 14 pax + 2 babies (if don't remember wrongly). Mummy said it's was a long since they all last met up. Karen Auntie make a reservation (buffet) at Grand Mercure Roxy Hotel. All of us enjoyed a lot during the dinner and we took quite a lot of photos!!! The buffet was not bad. There's durian paste too!! Mummy said that if Daddy and Yi Yi around will be fantastic caused that's their favourite fruit!
Yesterday Mummy and Yi Yi brought Janelle for 2nd Jab (5in1). As usual, after work, Mummy and Yi Yi came home and fetch Janelle. Once we reached the clinic, Mummy was given no. 7 queue number. The doc was seeing only queue no. 3. Janelle was asked to take the weight, height and head circumference. Mummy had a shock! Janelle now weighs 8kg, 65.5cm tall and 44cm for the head circumference! Janelle had grew quite a lot. After that, Mummy was asked to wait for the queue no. to be called. Although the clinic doesn't seems to be as crowded as morning time, we waited for almost 1hr before it's Janelle's turn. Once Janelle entered the room, Dr Ho said "Ah BOY come liao". Haha. Mummy was laughing at Janelle. Dr Ho commented before that she looks like boy boy! As usual, Dr Ho played with Janelle and Janelle giggled and laughed. Dr Ho praised that Janelle is clever caused she knows how to pass the rattle from one hand to the other hand! Mummy was very happy when she heard it. Then Janelle was given the 5in1 jab. Janelle only cry for few seconds and stopped. Mummy said that Janelle is getting used to the jab thus didn't cried as loud and long like the previous jab.