Janelle turns 8 months today! Mummy commented that time really flies! Another 4 more months, Janelle will turn 1 year old! Mummy is still deciding on Janelle 1 year old Birthday Party! Should Mummy get those cupcakes and 2D cake for Janelle birthday party or should it just be a simple birthday party with simple cartoon character cake? Mummy felt that 2D cakes might not taste as good as those normal cakes as it seems to be more creamy etc. Well, Mummy said she gonna discuss with Daddy on this issue. Mummy got a feeling that mostly it will be a simple birthday party with relatives and close friends as Mummy felt that Janelle is too young for big party! Recently, Janelle had been trying to stand up whenever Janelle holds on to anything! Mummy really had to divert 100% attention on Janelle whenever she's crawling around! It was really very tedious job for everyone who looks after Janelle!
Something happened to Janelle yesterday! Janelle fell down from the yao lan! The amazing issue is that Ah Ma had ensured that Janelle is sleeping soundly and zipped up the clothes before Ah Ma went for her shower. Ah Ma had just stepped in to the bathroom when she heard Janelle's loud cries! Ah Gu rushed over and found Janelle lying on the floor crying. Ah Ma felt so heart pain. When Mummy reached home in the evening, Ah Ma told Mummy about the incident. Well, Mummy said that it's ok as baby and kids are prone to incident even though 100% attention are on them. As long as Janelle is fine and still can play around with everyone!