OMG! Mummy is really late in posting for Janelle's updates! The reason is Mummy is expecting for Didi in less than 2 months time. So Mummy is so busy preparing for Didi's arrival like washing of Didi's clothes, packing of hospital bag and preparing for CNY!
Janelle had been very grouchy recently. Everyday will cry for Mummy and once Mummy reached Ah Ma's house, Janelle will ask Mummy to go home. Ah Ma commented that Janelle is "fighting" with Didi over Mummy. Ah Ma even said that this will only stop after Didi's arrival! Mummy wanna faint after hearing that! But Mummy still got no choice, got to be patient towards Janelle as Mummy don't want Janelle to feel that Mummy don't love her anymore!
For academic side, Mummy felt that Janelle had learnt alot in sch! Janelle knew a lot of phonics, numbers etc. Even teachers were commenting that Janelle's a fast learner! Mummy hoped that Janelle will continue to learn more in sch.
By the way, tomorrow is Sharon Yi Yi's Big Day! Janelle will be involved in the first march in! Janelle will be marching in with Kee Leong Kor Kor. Everyone hoped that Janelle will be co-operative during the march-in!