Monday, March 14, 2011

23 Months Old!

Serene Yi Yi asked Mummy how come recently there's no updates on Janelle's Blog! Mummye mentioned that she was really very tired and no time for her to do that! Mummy is now 35 wks preg with 2nd Baby! The arrival of this little bundle of joy will be coming soon! The EDD is on 16th April 2011, but gynae mentioned that Mummy will give birth earlier. Thus, Mummy is expecting baby will be born somewhere end of March of Beginning of April! This means that Janelle will be a Jie Jie in another 2-3 weeks time. By the way, Mummy is expecting a Didi! Janelle will have a Didi to play!

Daddy is not around since last Thursday! Daddy is away in Bangkok for 1 week! Daddy's coming back on this Thursday midnight! Mummy will be fetching Daddy back from the airport! For the past 2 weeks, Mummy had been busy preparing for Janelle's 2nd Birthday Celebration. This time round, Mummy & Daddy decided to just have a simple celebration at Zee Juniors follow by just a simple dinner with Daddy & Mummy after school. Mummy had prepared 50 goodies bag for all the kids in the school. Mummy had also ordered a Barney cake from Prima Deli. Mummy hoped that Janelle will be happy to see her Barney cake on her birthday as that's her favourite cartoon character! Mummy need to be busy with work, shall update more info about Janelle's 2nd Birthday and arrival of Didi soon!