Few days ago, Mummy brought Janelle for last vaccination, Hep B. Janelle weighed 9.4kg, increase of 500g compared to last month. Janelle's height remains at 68cm. Head circumference at 44cm. The nurse commented that Janelle had "big head". Mummy agreed with both hands as Mummy had difficulties wearing some clothes for Janelle. As usual, Dr Ho played with Janelle and go through Janelle developments. Mummy told Dr Ho that Janelle had started 2 feeds of porridge per day and Dr Ho commented that Mummy didn't give Janelle enough vegetables and fruits. Dr Ho said Janelle must have 2 servings of fruits per day! Mummy kept quiet as Dr Ho "scolded" her. As checking through Janelle development, Dr Ho injected Janelle! Janelle gave a loud cry! Haha. Mummy quickly coaxed Janelle and Janelle stopped crying. Actually Mummy felt that Janelle doesn't seems to be crying. Janelle seemed to be shouting instead!
On Friday, Daddy's friend, Uncle Ross and Tiffiane Jie Jie (Uncle Ross's Girlfriend) came to visit Janelle. They had bought 2 clothes (From Elle) for Janelle. Mummy and Daddy thanks them a million caused they adored Janelle alot! They had not see Janelle for about 3 months and decided to give Daddy a ring and arrange to come over our house and visit us.
Lilian Ah Yi had bought clothes for Janelle too! It's a beetle costume! So coincidence! Mummy had bought a beetle swimming costume for Janelle! Hehe. Great minds think alike!
Mummy & Daddy had bought a 90cm x 80cm swimming tub for Janelle. But Janelle is scared of swimming! Whenever Mummy tried to put Janelle into the water, Janelle will cry! Mummy and Daddy felt so sad! Mummy and Daddy said never mind, they will give another try next week. Hope that Janelle sleep and eat fully before trying!
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