Janelle turned 14 months old today! Wow, another 4 more months down the road, Janelle will be attending child care. Well, as mentioned in the previous post, Mummy will finalise the centre by end of May 10. Mummy is hoping that Janelle will adapt to school environment fast and will not have separation anxiety (Crossing finger about all those bad stuffs) etc!
Muumy really felt that Janelle had grown up! Janelle can understand what adults are telling Janelle. Few days ago, Janelle was playing with Mummy's handphone and dropped the handphone under the cabinet. Mummy saw the handphone from a distance and told Janelle to pick up Mummy's handphone and bring over to Mummy. But the handphone was at Janelle's blind spot, thus Janelle only pick up the bolster and walk over to Mummy and shaked head. Mummy understood that Janelle was trying to tell Mummy that there wasn't any handphone there, only got bolster. When Janelle walk over to Mummy's side, Mummy showed Janelle the location of the handphone and immediately Janelle walked over to pick up the handphone back for Mummy. Mummy felt so happy and touched! Janelle can understand what Mummy is trying to rely to her. Even Yi Yi also said that Janelle understand well as Ah Yi also tried talking to Janelle by asking her to sit aside and wait for her while she do her stuffs before carry her etc. And Janelle really wait to the place and sit down to wait for Yi Yi.