All children develop their language, listening and speech skills at different rate. Between 12 and 24 months of age, brain developments help your child to learn and understand language.
Most children understand many more words than they are able to speak, like they are often able to point to their nose or eyes or other body parts when asked, even though they may not say the words. If your child communicates effectively through emotional expression, gestures or body language they will usually develop speech normally. However, if your child seems to lose language skills that once were mastered, it is a good idea to have them checked by the doctor.
Helpful tips for your baby's language development
The ability of children to communicate their needs and wants causes children to be less frustrated and research has shown that it has great language development and vocabulary building benefits. Here are some tips to give your child a head start in language development:
• Try not to anticipate your child's needs. If you always give them what they want without giving them the chance to ask for it first, they will learn that they don't need to speak
• Spend at least 15 minutes 'special time' with your child every day
Turn off the TV and radio so that there are no distractions and sit facing your child on the floor, or sit him/her on your lap, Hold him/her close and gain eye contact while talking.
• Sing action songs and nursery rhymes
Do all the actions with your hands as you sing and say the words. This helps your child develop listening, imitation and turn taking skills as well as developing their speech and language.
Brain Health Foods
Brainpower helps your child do it all! To keep your child's brain energized, pump it up with vitamins and minerals. Give them at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies every day, and let them drink plenty of water. Remember, junk foods like chips, candies and snack cakes don't provide vitamins and minerals for your child's brain, and sometimes contain excess salt and fats that can make them feel sluggish.
Although babies start making sound much earlier but their first words are usually between 11 to 14 months. The common first words are mama and dada.
Well, Mummy is quite happy with Janelle's hearing and speech skills as they are developing normally. When Janelle heard some songs like Barney Theme song & Angry Bird song (Game from Iphone), she will dance etc! Good Job Janelle!
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