From the previous post, Mummy will decided the child care for Janelle by end of May 2010. As mentioned previously, Zee Juniors, Honey Tree, Capre Diem @ Bedok Reservior and Our Junior Schoolhouse are those few child care centres that Mummy had selected.
2 weeks ago, Mummy brought Janelle to Capre Diem @ Bedok Reservoir, Zee Juniors and Our Junior Schoolhouse. Janelle doesn't show any separation anxiety at all! Mummy can just leave Janelle alone with the children and teachers while Mummy walk around the school with the principals. Janelle can interact well with the teachers and children without Mummy's around. Mummy felt happy about it. Mummy hopes that Janelle will keep up this good work when Janelle joins in October 2010.
After the visits to those few child care centres, Mummy had decided to enroll Janelle in Zee Juniors. Mummy really likes the environment and teaching methods over at Zee Juniors. Most important, Janelle likes the school too and Sharon Yi Yi is one of the teachers there. Thus, Mummy doens't have to worry too much about Janelle being bullied etc. But judging from Janelle's behaviour during she was at Zee Juniors for 30 mins, Mummy and Sharon Yi Yi felt that she might be the one bullying others kids!
Mummy and Daddy mentioned that they got to work double hard to earn more $$$ as Zee Juniors school fees is not cheap! For a full day child care, it costs $1,200 per month (Before subsidies)!
Good choice, Zee is a good CC. Previously when I did my research on child care centres (not for my son, part of my thesis for Early Childhood) it came out tops. They have a good learning through play curriculum on top of their conducive environment, all thanks to their founder Peggy Zee.