Mummy was quite happy as Janelle considered had settled down quite fast in school! For the first week, Janelle cried when Mummy handed her over to the teachers. Mummy felt so heartpain about that. But after coaxing from teachers etc, Janelle actually stopped crying in less than 15 mins time! Mummy was quite happy as Janelle doesn't cry throughout non-stop in school.
To Mummy's surprise, on the 2nd week, when Mummy handed Janelle over to the teacher, Janelle didn't cry. But Mummy tried not to say bye bye to Janelle as scared Janelle will start crying when Mummy said that "magic word".
On the 3rd week, Janelle said bye bye to Mummy when teacher carried her. Mummy was so happy that Janelle took only 2wks+ to settle down in sch! And even during the first 2wk, Janelle still considered good as Janelle only cried for a while and joined in the rest during the lesson.
Janelle's favourite teacher seems to be Teacher Huixian! As that was an incident which Mummy's witnessed herself. While dropping Janelle off in school 1 day, Teacher Huixian called Janelle when Janelle was still in the car waiting for Mummy to unbuckle her from the car seat! Janelle was so happy that she pointed at Teacher Huixian and wavedto her and make some noise! Mummy called Sharon Yi Yi and asked Sharon Yi Yi. And true enough, Teacher Huixian is Janelle favourite teacher as she get "bully" by Janelle easily. Whenever Janelle cried and want someone to carry her, Janelle will run to Teacher Huixian and she will carry Janelle immediately!
And do you know wat? Towards the end of week 3, Janelle started to be a bully. Pushed and poked 1 kid away as that kid blocked her view, pulled 1 kid's hair and shirt etc. OMG! Mummy is scratching her head as Janelle started to show her "fox" tail!
This week, for the past 2 days, Janelle had been pulling the same girl's hair! And even using both hairs to do that! Mummy felt paiseh about it as Janelle broke the record in Zee Juniors! Sharon Yi Yi mentioned that the kids there don't fight, pulled hair etc. Janelle is the 1st to do that! These few days, whenever Mummy and Daddy fetched Janelle home, Mummy and Daddy will talk with Janelle that she shouldn't do that etc. And Janelle said yes but the next day, she did it again. Mummy really don't know when Janelle will stop pulling other kid's hairs. Hope it's just these few days and Janelle will stop it and understand what we had told her these few days!