Janelle turned 19 months today! Mummy felt that Janelle still a bit slow with her speech. but overall, Janelle is considered not bad as she can understand what people talk to her about etc. And Janelle doesn't tell lies! Yesterday Yi Yi asked Janelle whether did she pull any of her classmates hair, she said no! True enough, Mummy checked out with the teacher this morning. Teacher mentioned that Janelle tried to pull one boy hair but unsucessful as the boy is bald! Haha. That's why Janelle told Yi Yi that she didn't pull anyone hair yesterday.
Janelle also seemed to be affected by the haze. This week had been so hazy till yesterday PSI reached 108! Ah Ma told Mummy that Janelle seemed to be having slight fever. When Mummy reached Ah Ma's hse, Mummy took Janelle temperature. And the reading was 37.8 degree. Mummy quickly fed Janelle with some fever medicine. And this morning, Janelle doesn't have any slight fever. But Mummy seemed to heard that Janelle had blocked nose and a bit of cough. It's all due to the haze. Let's just hope the haze will go away in another few days time.
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