Monday, December 7, 2009

Milestones for 8 Months Old

Based on the below milestones, Janelle acheived 100%! Mummy commented that Janelle had been so active recently that Mummy felt exhausted looking after Janelle.

Month 8

Baby is in a busy phase now, ready to use his/ her hands for a variety of meaningful gestures. He/ she is quite the explorer now too so always keep a close eye on baby’s movements! Keep in mind that each child is different. It’s normal for babies to achieve these milestones a little later than others. Do consult your child’s paediatrician if you are worried.

What to expect from your child:

Physically and mentally
• Understands object permanence—that his/ her toys don’t disappear when hidden
• Crawls easily, even when holding an object
• Uses thumb and index finger (pincer grasp) to pick up or move toys around
and also investigate small spaces
• Remembers recent events
• May attempt to stand, while holding onto a chair or table

Language and emotions
• Begins to show signs of extreme attachment to main caregiver — also
called ‘separation anxiety’
• Experiments with a variety of vowel and possibly, consonant sounds

Babies at this age may wake up at night all over again. It can be frustrating for parents who have gotten used to getting some sleep at last. But be patient. Your baby will soon be getting more active and as a result, tire more easily and sleep better too.

Ideal toys for this age
• Toys with attachments like levers and buttons that produce sounds when
• Baby-friendly snap-together toys
• Board books that encourage pointing, touching, stroking etc

Useful tips
Encourage your baby to get physically involved with toys. If he/she drops a toy, teach baby to lunge, reach for it or roll it to you on his/ her own. Help to show baby what happens when he/ she pushes a button or lever. These exercises will help to strengthen your child’s muscles for other physical changes to come.

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