Some updates about Janelle's milestones! Janelle knows how to count 1 to 10 (Except 7), say "A for Apple", "B for Ball, "C for Cat", "D for Dog", "E for Elephant", "U for Umbrella", "Q for Queen", "V for Volin" etc. Mummy told teacher that Janelle can't pronounced "Seven" and Miss Noor commented that Janelle is only 21 months old! At the stage that she's learning, Janelle had already hit all her milestones! Mummy felt that Janelle tends to have problem pronoucing 2 syllabus words! But at least Mummy felt that Janelle talks alot and knows alot of words etc! Mummy know that Janelle is progressing quite well but hope that Janelle will be good in her academic works too! But for now, Mummy is not going to put too much pressure on Janelle's academic works. Maybe when Janelle reached Nursery 1, it's time that Mummy will put some pressure on Janelle!
2nd Christmas for Janelle! This time round, Janelle knows what is Christmas as compared to 1 year ago! Hehe. Janelle performed christmas caroling at Zee Juniors! Mummy & Daddy attended the christmas party and was very happy to see that Janelle danced along with the christmas songs! Even Sharon Yi Yi commented that Janelle performed well on the actual day as compared to rehersal! Mummy was thinking of whether to enrol Janelle from dancing class since Janelle likes to dance so much! Mummy mentioned that she will do some research on it. The christmas party at Zee Juniors was quite successful as all the children performed a good chrismas caroling and fashion show! Kudos to all the teachers for the hard works and efforts that you gals had put in to make the party such a success! Mummy & Daddy had received a christmas card from Janelle by post! Mummy was very surprised when Mummy saw the card. Janelle must had done it in school and the teachers posted it out for her. So sweet, cute and creative of the teachers!
Christmas eve was spent at home with Mummy, Daddy, Uncle Ross, Tiffanie Jie Jie, Uncle Kerk and Xin Min Jie Jie. We had a small party at home. All foods were packed from Bedok Point and Bedok Hawker Centre! Janelle was very happy this christmas as Janelle gets to open up the presents and most important, Janelle loved all the presents! Janelle was so happy and excited that Janelle fell asleep only at about 11pm+. Mummy tried coaching Janelle to bed abt 9pm+ but Janelle just don't wish to sleep as she was too happy with so many people at home. Thus Mummy decided to let Janelle play a while longer since it's such a happy occassion!